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Wheat - 33 de articole in

Cum depozitezi corect cerealele dupa recoltare: 4 reguli esentiale

Modul de manipulare a cerealelor, nivelul de umiditate si temperatura, precum si tipul de siloz pot influenta in mod semnificativ calitatea cerealelor. Iata care sunt regulile de care trebuie sa tii cont. Depoziteaza in ...
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Pune bazele unor productii bune la grau , printr-o fertilizare corecta!

Fertilizarea din toamna a culturilor este o etapa esentiala in obtinerea unor productii cu randament ridicat . Calcularea dozelor economice de ingrasaminte trebuie facut in functie gradul de aprovizionare al solului cu elemente nutritive ...
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Fuzarioza si septorioza la culturile de paioase, provocari majore pentru fermieri - 5 metode inteligente de a le combate

Fuzarioza poate produce pagube insemnate, pentru ca in bobul de grau se acumuleaza micotoxine. Ca urmare, este contraindicat ca graul afectat sa fie folosit pentru consum uman sau ca hrana pentru animale. Daca infectia apare in timpul infloririi, ...
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Recomandari pentru fertilizarea graului din toamna

Graul  necesita un aport echilibrat de nutrienti. Fertilizarea din toamna cu ingrasaminte tip NPK+S sau NP+S este absolut necesara pentru dezvoltarea optima a culturii, asa cum au demonstrat si rezultatele testarilor noastre (click ...
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Elemente cheie in fertilizarea graului la iesirea din iarna!

Prima fertilizare cu azot din primavara Prima fertilizare din primavara este esentiala pentru dezvoltarea si refacerea rapida a culturii dupa perioada de iarna Prima fertilizare de primavara are o importanta deosebita pentru ...
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Fertilizarea echilibrata, secretul unor culturi reusite!

Click aici pentru a vedea rezultatele testelor noastre. De ce este importanta fertilizarea din toamna cu NPK+S?   • in sol, fosforul si potasiul sunt adesea prezente intr-o forma greu accesibila plantelor, de aceea este ...
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Deficitul global de cereale, corectat in 2021

Ploile de primavara au cazut din belsug pe campiile din regiunea Marii Negre, mijlocul SUA si Uniunea Europeana, ceea ce creste perspectivele unor recolte bune de grau in randul marilor producatori. Aceste perspective incurajatoare contribuie la ...
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Romania se pregateste sa exporte 4 mil tone de grau

Marti, 27 septembrie, ministrul agriculturii Valeriu Tabara a sustinut o conferinta de presa, in care a prezentat bilantului unui an de cand se afla la conducerea acestui minister. AGROROMANIA va prezinta cele mai importante declaratii ale ...
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Previziuni floarea-soarelui 2011: productia estimata, stadiul recoltarii si evolutia pretului

"Cred ca anul acesta la floarea soarelui productia va fi un record absolut. Vom depasi 1,6 milioane de tone, in conditiile in care anii trecuti aveam productii de 1,2 – 1,3 milioane tone. Anul acesta nu suntem foarte departe de o ...
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In Salaj, se estimeaza o recolta de cartofi dubla fata de anul trecut

"Se pare ca la cartof productia va fi dubla fata de ce am prognozat. La mere si la struguri productia este foarte slaba, datorita inghetului taziu din aceasta primavara, si va fi sub ceea ce s-a prognizat", a declarat Ioan ...
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Valeriu Tabara: E pentru prima data cand pretul porumbului este mai mare decat pretul graului

Potrivit ministrului agriculturii, porumbul devenind din ce in ce mai mult o planta industriala in tari ca Germania sau Statele Unite ale Americii. "Este pentru prima data, de foarte, foarte multi ani, cand pretul porumbului depaseste pretul ...
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Romania poate exporta 5 mil tone de porumb

"Cred ca Romania va putea valorifica pe piata externa 5 milioane de tone de porumb pentru ca avem o recolta buna anul acesta. Piata mondiala este o piata buna in prezent, fiind pentru prima data cand pretul porumbului este mai mare decat cel al ...
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Stiri din PIATA CEREALELOR: Rusia exporta grau la un pret pe tona mai mic cu 15-20 de dolari decat principalul competitor, Franta

Rusia a revenit pe piata internationala a cerealelor dupa ce guvernul a anuntat ca a ridicat interdictia de export. Revenirea Rusiei pune presiune pe pretul graului, exportatorii rusi de cereale oferind, potrivit specialistilor, grau la preturi cu ...
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Ultimele 20 stiri adaugate si gasite la cautarea dupa wheat

Productiile mari la grau se obtin doar cu o fertilizare echilibrata din toamna!

Fertilizarea este unul din factorii controlabili cu un impact major asupra productiei la grau. Testarile din ultimii ani arata un randament mai mare la fertilizarea echilibrata din toamna cu ingrasaminte tip NPK in comparatie cu azot simplu. ...
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Spicul SA a intrat in insolventa

Spicul este unul dintre cele mai longevive branduri din industria de panificatie, cu o istorie de peste 160 de ani. Compania avea la finalul anului trecut datorii de aproape 100 milioane de lei (23,7 milioane de euro), la o cifra de afaceri de numai ...
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Romanian agriculture - in socialist 1950-1980 interval

Agricultural Regions: The historic provinces of Walachia, Transylvania, Moldavia, Dobruja, and the Banat have distinct soil and climatic conditions that make them suitable for different types of agriculture. The breadbasket of Romania is Walachia, ...
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In 2010, Ukraine to produce 45.2 mln tonnes of grains

In 2010, the general grain production in Ukraine will reach the level of 45.2 mln tonnes with the average yield of 30.1 c/ha. According to data to APK-Inform Agency, in the current year, the country will face the reduction of winter wheat production ...
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Curierul National: National production of cereals for grains dropped 11.2% in 2009

The production of cereals for grains declined by 11.2% in 2009, as against the previous year, to 14.934 million tonnes from 16.826 million tonnes, mainly due to a reduction in yields per hectare (average production per hectare), namely wheat by ...
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US wheat harvest to slump 12% this year, USDA says

American farmers will harvest a record corn crop this year, but in part at the expense of wheat production, which will slump by 12%, the US Department of Agriculture has said. The USDA has pegged the corn harvest at 13.16m bushels, 200m bushels ...
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Russia grain crop may well beat industry guess

An industry estimate that Russia's grain crop will "exceed 90m tonnes" this year may prove conservative, to judge by the growth in winter plantings, a leading analyst has said. Russia, which on latest Washington data has overtaken the US to become ...
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Demand to lift crop prices, with soy 'to jump 26%'

Growth in consumption will revive prices of corn and soybeans in Chicago, and drive wheat higher on both sides of the Atlantic, Commerzbank has said, at the end of a gloomy month for crop markets. The German bank, forecasting that a rebound on the ...
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Corn and soy to swallow less than half free acres

US corn and soybean plantings will swallow up less than half of the land freed up by the collapse in winter wheat sowings and by the lapse of conservation programmes, Informa Economics has said. The private analysis group has raised by 1m tonnes ...
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Rising freight rates slow Black Sea grain cargoes to Asia

Grain shipments from the Black Sea to Asia look set to fall, slashed by a surge in ocean freight rates fed by China's hunger for vessels to ferry home its global commodity purchases and fears of predatory attacks by Somali pirates. The cost of ...
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Opinion: few winners from wheat-sowing slump

The gap isn't quite a century. But it still sounds historic - the lowest US winter wheat plantings since 1913, the year that stainless steel was invented and the first crossword published. The shame is that, for crop price optimists, the ...
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Oil World sees slowdown from UkrAgroConsult-BlackSeaGrain

Soybean prices declined sharply Tuesday after the release of the January Crop report giving final production numbers for 2009. The USDA lowered harvested soybean acres by 212,000 but a sharp increase in yield more than offset the lower acres. ...
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Corn Falls to Two-Month Low as Record Harvest Adds to Stocks

Corn futures fell to the lowest in more than two months in Chicago and soybeans extended their decline to the longest in almost a year as record U.S. crops added to stockpiles. World stocks of corn, soybeans, rice and wheat will rise 8.3 percent ...
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Romania. Price of wheat not to go up in next three months - Rompan

President of the Rompan Romanian Employers' Association in Milling and Bread Making Industry in Romania Aurel Popescu said on Friday, at the end of the talks with Minister of Agriculture Mihail Dumitru that it was out of the question to change the ...
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Wheat export 10% up in December in Ukraine

According to data of the Ukragroconsulting analytical center, wheat export grew by 10% in December. In December, Ukraine exported 1.057 million tons of wheat against 949,400 tons in November. Since the start of the season, export of this product ...
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Easing farm gloom to help Syngenta, says UBS

UBS analysts have raised their target on Syngenta stock to SFr320, and made it one of their "key calls", citing the prospect of a share buyback and dissipating gloom over Europe's wheat sector. UBS said it was restating "with good conviction" ...
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Cash curbs and winterkill hit Ukraine grain hopes

Ukraine's grain output will fall this year despite a rise in plantings as rates of winterkill near-double and tight finances dent farm spending on sprays, UkrAgroConsult has said. Growers will plant an extra 575,000 hectares of grain for this ...
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Egypt seeks Uganda land to boost wheat supplies

Cairo is poised to send a delegation to Uganda to identify farmland for growing wheat in Egypt's latest move to shore-up supplies of the grain, of which it is the world's biggest importer. The move comes amid a controversial grab for farmland by ...
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Saudi to grow less wheat, rely on imports

Saudi Arabia would discourage cultivation of water intensive crops such as wheat and corn and rely more heavily on imports to secure future consumption. Due to its desert location Saudi Arabia is among the least food self-sufficient nations, needing ...
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Romania could face a food crisis next year

Romania could face a food crisis next year, in the lack of subsidies in live stock farming, and due to the reduction of areas cultivated with grain, according to producers in the field. After this year’s smaller wheat production, due to the ...
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